Are stretch marks scars?

If you have stretch marks, you're certainly not alone. Nearly 80% of women deal with stretch marks. It’s extremely common, but just because they are common doesn’t mean that you want them. But what exactly are these lines that suddenly appear on your body, and why don’t they ever just go away on their own? These are common questions and we’re going to answer them all for you.
Stretch marks may not just go away, but often times they do fade over time, however they will not disappear completely just as scars do not go away entirely. There are various creams and lotions that will help to prevent, reduce and remove stretch marks. But choosing just any one of them that claims to do this will not guarantee the results you are hoping for. The truth is that most of them will not work efficiently, but this doesn’t mean that there aren’t products that have the ability to reduce and eliminate stretch marks.
If you’re like most women you’re confused by whether or not stretch marks are classified as scars or in a class all on their own. Not knowing the difference between the two can make finding the right products difficult.
Why do my stretch marks look like scars?
Your stretch marks resemble scars because ultimately a stretch mark is a type of 'stretching scars'. The stretch marks form as a result of abrupt changes to the skin that causes the collagen and elastin to rupture. This often occurs when your skin stretches beyond its capability or stretches too quickly such as gaining or losing weight too quickly, or pregnancy.
These marks start to appear as the skin begins to heal and leaves a stretch mark behind. While stretch marks just like scars will fade they do not go away, rather they become less noticeable.
What's the difference between a scar and a stretch mark?
If you’re like most people you’re probably wondering, “are stretch marks scar tissue”. Stretch marks and scars are one in the same, and they are caused by your body trying to protect itself after the layers of skin have been damaged, whether it’s from rapid growth or an injury.
The biggest differences between scars and stretch marks are in the way that you get them, and the shape. For example if you have an accident or injury, your body will work to quickly repair the damage and this quick repair that your body is trying to do will often result in a scar. Stretchmarks do not occur from an accident or injury, but your body wants to heal the fibers in your skin quickly resulting in a stretch mark.
Stretch marks tend to be in similar shapes, they are long or short narrow bands that may be sunken, or raised. These are typically found on your abdomen, thighs, buttock and back. Scars can come in all shapes, sizes and can be literally anywhere on your body.
Here’s a greater break down so that you can understand the differences of stretch marks vs scars:
Types of scars
A scar is the body's natural way of healing. It wants to replace the lost or damaged skin with fibrous tissue. You can get a scar for many different reasons, it may be a result of scraping your knee, slicing your finger when cutting bread, infections, surgery, or inflammation of tissue. Scars can appear anywhere on the body and may appear flat, lumpy, sunken, or colored and can be painful or itchy. When healed your scar can come in many different shapes and appearances because the final look of a scar depends on many factors. These factors include the skin type, where on your body it is located, the direction of the wound, how old you are, the type of injury, and even your nutritional status.
Types of stretch marks
There are two main types of stretch marks: striae rubrae and striae albae. You can often tell the difference between the two based on their formation and appearance.
Striae rubrae is the early stage of a stretch mark. This is when the stretch mark first presents itself and it will be pink, red or even purple and may even be raised. But don’t worry, it typically flattens. During this stage you may experience itching. This can be a result of keloid stretch marks. Keloids are when the stretch mark rises above the surface of the skin. These tend to grow larger than the stretch marks themselves. The itchiness may cause scratching which leads to cuts on the stretch mark and stretch mark scabs.
Striae albae are more mature stretch marks. The pink, red and purple color will have faded to white and they will begin to look more like scars. There are some that may develop a fine wrinkly texture. The progression from striae rubrae to striae albae takes time. This gradual transition can take several months to years.
Stretch marks that are a result of pregnancy often will fade within a year or two, but this doesn’t always happen.
Does scar removal cream work on stretch marks?
Because a stretch mark occurs when the collagen and elastin in your dermis tears from stretching and is essentially a type of scar using scar removal creams is the same as using stretch mark creams.
Scar removal cream can be found in just about any store, but how effective they are is directly related to its ingredients. Whether it’s stretch mark creams or scar creams they are designed to keep your skin moisturized, soothed, and more elastic. These are all things that are important to helping stretch marks heal. So essentially you can also use stretch mark cream for scars as well.
Choosing the best scar cream for stretch marks will be determined by its high quality ingredients and whether or not it’s been clinically proven to get results.
Do silicone scar sheets work on stretch marks?
Simply put, yes. But only if you are purchasing high quality patches. Not every silicone patch will give you results and some will even contain harmful ingredients that are absorbed into your skin.
Dermaclara silicone patches are 100% medical grade using the highest quality ingredients to allow your body to do the work, which is the most natural and effective method of eliminating your scars stretch marks both old and new. And they do not contain any type of chemicals that can be harmful to your health.
One of the biggest reasons they work so well is because the silicone scar sheets hydrate the skin to help activate your skin's natural ability to promote collagen which improves elasticity and makes stretch marks visible and preventable. This is all done naturally, without the use of harmful chemicals, without invasive surgery and without the high cost.
These silicone patches will work on different stretch marks stages so whether they are new developing stretch marks or mature, the natural production and moisture developing process will help to heal both new and old stretch mark scars fade away.
Dermaclara has been clinically proven to eliminate stretch marks. Are you ready to start the process of eliminating your stretch marks by wearing a silicone patch for just 20 minutes per day?
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