Why Teens Get Stretch Marks and How To Treat Them
Puberty has a way of wreaking havoc on teenagers. Their skin is constantly under siege by the influx of hormones surging through their bodies, and their emotional states are in constant disarray. As if that's not bad enough, their physical appearances change at a rapid rate as growth spurts, breasts, hips, and biceps become reality.
When all is said and done, puberty has a tendency to leave stretch marks behind in its wake. These purple or bluish marks seemingly appear overnight, and—although most signs of puberty eventually wane as the body regulates itself and settles into adulthood—stretch marks can often be seen decades beyond the aftermath of this pivotal period. Luckily, today's medical technology has created a way to minimize or remove the appearance of these unwanted markers.
What Causes Stretch Marks During Puberty?
The body naturally produces a protein called collagen. One of collagen's main jobs is to make the skin as elastic and bouncy as possible so it can remain flexible and fall back into place as a person moves. During puberty, the body grows at a rapid rate, which often happens faster than the rate at which the body can produce collagen. As bones get longer, breasts develop, and hips widen, the skin is forced to stretch quickly to cover the new surface area. When this process happens more quickly than the body can produce collagen, the skin loses elasticity, meaning it's not able to repair itself as it stretches. Without ample amounts of collagen, stretch marks appear.
For obvious reasons, puberty affects males and females differently. Although they may see stretch marks in different places, the end result can still be embarrassing and frustrating for both genders.
Stretch Marks During Puberty: Females
Females are likely to experience stretch marks during puberty as their bodies prepare for womanhood. As a girl's body transitions, she may experience stretch marks on the following parts of the body:
- Breasts. Breast development can occur very rapidly during puberty. As the fatty tissue that makes up the breasts grows in density, the skin must stretch to cover the additional area. Women who developed breasts quickly may have stretch marks on the sides or underneath their breasts.
- Hips. During puberty, females' bodies widen at the hips to prepare for future childbirth. As an adolescent female reaches puberty, her body rapidly changes from the childhood shape to one that may carry a child in the future. This sudden widening of the hip and pelvic bones causes the skin to stretch horizontally to accommodate the wider area.
- Thighs. Puberty is often responsible for the onset of cellulite and fatty deposits in the legs. Women who are susceptible to cellulite may experience growth in their thigh areas, which can ultimately force the skin to stretch more quickly than the body can produce collagen. In this case, stretch marks may appear around the upper thigh or buttocks area.
Females who develop stretch marks during puberty often experience these blemishes in places where fatty deposits occur or on parts of the body specifically designed to facilitate their child-bearing years.
Stretch Marks During Puberty: Males

Males experience bodily changes as a result of puberty much differently from their female counterparts. For males, much of their growth during puberty is about gaining mass and height as they grow into the men they'll eventually become. In terms of stretch marks, these blemishes often appear in places where the bones are growing at an exponential rate or in areas where boys are building up muscle mass.
The following are a few common places males experience stretch marks during puberty:
- Upper Arms. It's not uncommon for males to begin working out and becoming physically fit during puberty. The body is primed for exercise, and it's ready to hit the weights and run laps. Boys who work out during puberty can quickly build muscle mass in their upper bodies, which can be quite healthy. Unfortunately, larger biceps mean the skin has to grow quickly to cover the additional area, which can easily cause stretch marks along the shoulder line.
- Thighs. As the bones grow to adult stature, boys often get taller very quickly. Over a single summer break, a male can grow a few inches. This additional height is incredibly difficult for the skin to keep up with, often leaving vertical stretch marks on the thighs where the leg bones are gaining ground with each passing day.
- Buttocks. Young boys who don't have a lot of baby fat can feel the effects of stretch marks when they start to fill out during their pubescent years. The buttocks is inevitably a place where fatty deposits reside, and as boys become men, they may find extra cushioning in their backsides. The additional fatty tissue forces the skin to stretch and conform to the new body, thereby forcing it to create new cells at a faster level than the body can produce elasticity and collagen.
Can You Reduce the Appearance of Stretch Marks Formed During Puberty?
It often feels like stretch marks are here to stay once they appear. Fortunately, medical technology has enabled people who suffer from stretch marks to enjoy healthy skin again! Dermaclara Beauty's Silicone Fusion™ creates a microclimate beneath medical grade silicone that gently stretches the skin into place while feeding it moisture and skin-enhancing nutrients that help fade unsightly stretch marks away.
Dermaclara Beauty has developed silicone patches that take the pains of puberty away. Our Silicon Fusion™ patches can be worn during the day or overnight while you sleep. They can be applied to any part of the body, including thighs, buttocks, bellies, arms, and delicate breast tissue. The microclimate created beneath the silicone patches stimulates collagen production while simultaneously moisturizing the damaged parts of the skin barrier. Each patch is applied by way of a pain-free, skin-appropriate adhesive that stays put while it's at work but is easily removed when morning arrives. The Silicone Fusion™ Technology we've built into our product normalizes hydration levels and allows the skin to rebuild the elasticity that was lost during puberty when the body's production of collagen was unable to keep up with its need for more skin.

Are you trying to remove the last marks of puberty from your body? If puberty caused you to incur stretch marks on your hips, thighs, breasts, upper arms, or anywhere else, Dermaclara can help. Our breakthrough dermatologist-approved Silicone Fusion™ patch is designed to deliver real results and happy customers. Get started with your Silicone Fusion Treatment today, and get ready for smoother, healthier looking skin tomorrow!
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