7 At Home Remedies To Safely Remove Stretch Marks

Anyone else experiencing major self-care vibes with all this extra time spent at home?
I've been trying at-home hair treatments, natural home-made face masks, self-massage, and really getting into at-home skin-care.
From mayo in my hair and egg whites on my face, to rose petal baths, and meditation I have to admit that some at-home remedies have been more fun than others. For more DIY at home remedies click here.
Without being able to leave the house for my usual self-care treatments, I've had to learn how to do a lot of them on my own. One of my favorite discoveries has been at-home treatment remedies for my post-pregnancy stretch marks.
So, drum roll, please…
I’m going to show you how to remove stretch marks with these 7 easy, at-home remedies that I absolutely love!
Here are the topics we’re going to explore in this post:
- Is There Really an Effective Way to Remove Stretch Marks?
- Stretch Mark Types & Symptoms
- How to Determine Treatment of Stretch Marks
- How Do You Remove Stretch Marks At Home… Fast?
- Your At-Home Stretch-Mark Removal Tool Box
- Is There Really an Effective Way to Remove Stretch Marks At Home?
Is There Really an Effective Way to Remove Stretch Marks?
As the body’s largest organ, the skin has an incredible ability to expand and contract. However, when the skin is stretched too far too fast, the supporting tissues become damaged. How? Fibroblasts, or connective tissue cells, cannot always keep up with the demand for collagen and elastin production. As a result, scars called stretch marks form. Stretch marks have three main causes: rapid weight loss or weight gain due to pregnancy or obesity, puberty, and a lack of protein and vitamins.
I had to learn the hard way that the type of stretch mark you have determines its treatment. After months of ineffective, messy, allergy-triggering at-home remedies, and trial and error approaches, I realized that not all stretch marks are created equal. Some stretch marks respond to at-home treatments, and others don’t budge. It’s important to understand the causes and the types of stretch marks you have. Let’s take a look at the different types of stretch marks and how they appear.
Stretch Mark Types & Symptoms
There are two main stretch marks classes, and they’re based on the color of your stretch mark: new, or red stretch marks (striae rubrae) and white, or older stretch marks (striae albae).
Red stretch marks can be flat or raised, itchy, and arise in a parallel or perpendicular pattern. A red stretch mark is the earliest phase of overstretched skin.
White stretch marks are more scar-like, irregular, and appear wrinkly. This color appears, because the stretch mark is more mature. They are created when the skin tightens, creating an indentation.
Pregnancy stretch marks, or striae gravidarum, appear on the belly, breast, and thigh areas around the 6th month of pregnancy. These stretch marks will begin as red stretch marks and then transition to white ones.
The last two types of stretch marks are stretch marks that appear as thinned skin and darker stretch marks that are blue or purple. Darker stretch marks typically appear on darker complexion skin.
Can Fresh Stretch Marks Go Away?
Newly formed red stretch marks (striae rubrae), form from rapid weight gain or loss, such as during pregnancy or weight training. These types of stretch marks are still in an active stage, and treating them can offer both promising and reliable results. Red stretch marks have yet to fade into white stretch marks, and they can be improved with skincare that increases collagen production, or with medical intervention like light laser therapy (which, in this post, we're avoiding!).
In general, effective treatment therapies must achieve a variety of goals. They must reduce discoloration, increase collagen and elastin production, stimulate elasticity and blood flow, and improve hydration. Some at-home treatment remedies will achieve all these goals, and in other cases, it may be your best bet to apply a variety of remedies.
However, one of the best ways to approach all stretch marks, regardless of the type of stretch mark you’re dealing with, is to prevent them in the first place! I’ll go over that in just a bit.
How Do You Remove Stretch Marks At Home… Fast?
The most common medical treatments for stretch marks are retinoid creams and light/laser therapies. Wondering if you can reduce stretch marks naturally without visiting a cosmetic surgeon or dermatologist? Afraid of the associated risks, costs, or general inconvenience? Then it’s time to opt for tried and tested, at-home, stretch mark remedies. Let's take a look at your new toolbox!
Your At-Home Stretch-Mark Removal Tool Box
The most effective at-home treatments are therapeutic, topical, and deep-stimulating. If you’re like me and you’ve tried dozens of stretch mark treatment lotions and creams, without getting any real results, I’m proud of you for keeping the faith. You've come to the right place and you’re going to love this stretch mark self-care toolbox below.
These at-home remedies will help you treat, prevent, and remove stretch marks, without the dangerous chemicals, expensive doctor’s visits, scary skin irritations, or months of waiting around for results.
Let’s get right into it!
1. Dry Brushing & Self-Massage

Collagen production is responsible for repairing skin that has stretched beyond its elastic capability. If you’re dealing with older, white stretch mark scars, start treatment by stimulating blood circulation or blood flow. When blood vessels are strengthened, and blood flow increases, the body can make collagen. Collagen and elastin, in turn, will work together to strengthen blood vessels. An increase in collagen production will help thicken skin, lessen fat cell appearance, increase skin elasticity, and lift and tone the problem area. You can start with dry brushing, or using a self-massage tool to increase collagen.
Start by applying a highly moisturizing product, like Clarasome (which contains moisturizers like glycerin, almond oil, and aloe to soothe dry skin while supporting collagen production), to the affected area.
Clarasome Radiance Restoring Moisturizer $29.99
Next use a self-massage tool like Claratone over the treated area. The Claratone massage tool uses advanced micro pulsation to improve product absorption.
Patch Prep™ for Silicone Fusion™ $15.99
Rinse Patches using warm water and Patch Prep™ to remove dead skin and oils to repair adhesive. Proprietary Patch Prep™ Formula is engineered and designed to Re-activate adhesive properties in-between treatments, remove dead skin, oils, and sweat in-between treatments for perfect storage, and increase patch reusability by 50%.
Collagen boosting Claratone 39.99
Not only will a self-massage tool like Claratone enhance product absorption deep within the skin layers, but it will also increase blood flow, support collagen production, and reduce inflammation.
2. Microneedling
Microneedling is gaining popularity, for the same reason I recommend dry brushing or self-massage - collagen! A micro-needling tool is a self-care device that can be used at home, without a doctor’s prescription. The tool is used to create tiny pinpricks on the skin’s surface to slightly injure the skin. The skin’s response is to make new collagen-rich tissue to compensate for the injury. The development of this new tissue will even out both skin tone and texture. However, just a quick disclaimer to be extra cautious with this at-home remedy, because micro-needling can cause possible side effects like pigmentation, bruising, scars, bleeding, and infection. Always, consult with your physician if you have skin or blood complications.
Step 1. Start by sanitizing the derma roller tool.
Step 2. Wash the treatment area and apply a numbing cream, if necessary.
Step 3. Next, begin derma rolling along the affected area, once, in each direction.
3. Topical Treatment
Can lotion help remove stretch marks?
According to The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, many creams, lotions, and oils on the market claim to prevent stretch marks. However, no actual proof exists that these treatments remove stretch marks.
The American Academy of Dermatology says that moisturizers can improve the appearance of stretch marks and reduce itchiness, while sunless tanning products can hide the stretch marks.
To get noticeably smoother skin and decrease stretch mark appearance, skin hydration is essential. Oils, creams, lotions, serums, and products like shea butter have one goal in common: increasing moisture in the skin.
However, simply applying a topical moisturizer, doesn’t necessarily ensure that moisture is encouraged, and pulled through the deeper skin layers. This is why these treatments rarely work! An effective at-home stretch mark removal cream would need to amplify hydration, as well as support the skin’s ability to hold moisture.
How do you know which cream is right for you?
A peptide-infused cream or serum is a great go-to moisturizer. Peptides can repair and rebuild skin because they are the building blocks of proteins like collagen. Collagen supports the skin structure and enables its numerous functions to take place, including hydration and elasticity.
A peptide infusing serum, will repair damaged skin, reduce redness, increase moisture, and protect your skin from harmful sun damage.
Look for a peptide-infusing serum, that includes powerhouse ingredients like turmeric, chamomile, ginger, niacinamide, glycerin, aloe barbadensis, apricot, and tulsi (holy basil). These ingredients will help to reduce scarring, moisturize and reveal smoother-looking skin!
Claraline by Dermaclara $ 29.99
4. How to Remove Stretch Marks With Silicone Pads
Silicone pads are an excellent at-home stretch mark treatment remedy. Firstly, they’re 100% safe, all-natural, cost-effective, and second, well, to put it bluntly…they work fast!
When silicone pads are placed directly onto the skin, they create a closed, breathable microclimate. They achieve virtually all of the requirements for stretch mark removal.
✓ A reduction of discoloration
✓ Increase collagen and elastin production
✓ Stimulate elasticity and blood flow
✓ Improve hydration
When the silicone pad is placed onto the skin, moisture is drawn up from the lower skin layers to the outside skin layers. The microclimate created by the silicone fusion pad encourages, activates, and normalizes collagen production. This unique environment allows the skin to heal itself, and repair stretch marks.
The bottom line? After only one application, your skin’s hydration is significantly increased revealing noticeably smoother skin.
Watch this video below to learn how to use silicone pads for stretch marks!
Ready to Shop Enhanced Silicone Fusion™ Body Patches to Remove Stretch Marks?
6. Stretch Mark Prevention
If you are considering sudden weight loss, are going through puberty, considering pregnancy, getting into weight training, or you’re over 40 and your body lacks the necessary protein building blocks like collagen and elastin, it’s important to look at stretch mark prevention as part of your at-home treatment.
How Can You Prevent Stretch Marks?
1. Start Early
One of the best things you can do to prevent stretch marks is to treat fresh stretch marks, right when they appear. As we discussed earlier, new fresh marks are much easier to remove than older stretch mark scars. Start with your at-home treatment routine as soon as you notice the red, itchy marks on your belly, hips, thighs, and arms.
2. Drink Like A Fish
Hydration is extremely important for your skin. When your skin is hydrated, it remains soft. In addition to drinking plenty of water, especially if you drink caffeine or alcohol, remember to apply a daily collagen boosting moisturizer, or deeply hydrating cream like shea or cocoa butter.
3. Look for Shade
Ultraviolet light (light from the sun) should also be avoided. The sun’s rays break down collagen and elastin, which is necessary for skin elasticity. Remember to wear sunscreen, and protect your arms, hips, buttocks, belly, or other stretch mark prone areas.
4. Keep It Moving
Last, but not least, we all know how good exercise is for us. A regular and daily exercise routine keeps you healthy, blood flow balanced, and helps to avoid rapid weight loss or gain.
7. Nutrition & Lifestyle Changes
We all know what huge impact food has on our mood, mental health, and physical body. It’s no surprise that certain foods can be deemed skin-food. Either grab a good multivitamin or check out the list below for foods that can greatly help treat and prevent stretch marks.
1. Omega 3
Omega 3’s are great for supple. Foods with Omega-3's will act as a skin guard against dry, itch, and red skin, improve the skin’s barrier function and seal in moisture. Look for Omega 3’s in foods like algae, soybeans, mackerel sardines, salmon, herring, chia seeds, flaxseed, and walnuts.
2. Zinc
Zinc has many beneficial skin properties. It protects against the sun, decreases signs of again, treats skin lesions, and lowers inflammation. Look for zinc in foods like meat, shellfish, legumes, seeds, and nuts.
3. Vitamin C
Vitamin C helps with collagen production, helps thicken the dermis, it’s essential for skin firmness, and it’s a great antioxidant that protects your skin from free radicals. Look for vitamin C in fruits, especially citrus, and vegetables!
4. Vitamin A
Vitamin A helps to speed up healing, promotes natural skin moisture, supports the skin’s immune system, promotes a healthy dermis and epidermis, and gives the skin a healthy glow. You can get vitamin A from cod liver oil, eggs, dairy, and dark leafy greens.
5. Vitamin E
Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that reduces UV damage and protects the skin. Look for vitamin E in plant-based oils, as well as nuts, seeds, fruits, and vegetables. Beet greens, collard greens, and wheat germ oil are especially rich in Vitamin E.
6. Vitamin D
An adequate intake of vitamin D may reduce your risk of stretch marks. It protects and rejuvenates the skin, contributes to cell growth, cell repair, and cell metabolism, and helps to destroy free radicals. Get your vitamin D from fruits and vegetables, salmon, herring, sardines, cod liver oil, and egg yolks.
Lastly, it’s important to avoid smoking and heavy alcohol use, as nicotine constricts blood vessels and alcohol contributes to dehydration. But you probably already knew those were bad, didn't you?
Ready to Try an At-Home Stretch Mark Remedy That Actually Works?
Ok, you made it to the end. That means you’re dedicated and ready to get rid of super pesky stretch marks once and for all. To tell you the truth, the only thing more frustrating than stretch marks themselves is an endless product suite of stretch mark solutions that don’t work. Even worse than that are the costly, toxic, and dangerous cosmetic procedures that seem to be around every corner.
However, what I know for sure is that no matter how frustrated stretch marks make you, remember to try and stay stress-free. One of the best things we can do for our body is to simply be kinder to ourselves, keep our stress hormones low (we all know they don’t do much for the aging process), and do the best we can without being too hard on ourselves.
Dermaclara supports beauty from the inside out. All stretch mark and skincare products from Dermaclara are formulated to help you love your body and reveal your true beauty naturally, effortlessly, and without medical intervention. If you’re looking for a safe, all-natural, at-home solution to remove stretch marks shop now at www.dermaclara.com For a limited time get 20% OFF and FREE SHIPPING on silicone patches and collagen boosting skin care products!
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