When Should You Use An Anti-Aging Serum?
Not too long ago, a simple cleaner and moisturizer seemed to be all people felt they needed to keep their skin healthy and happy. As we've become savvier about the science of anti-aging techniques, we've learned that these two products can rarely stand alone if you want truly youthful skin that resists wrinkles and other signs of aging.
This is where anti-aging serums enters the picture. Serums provides a more comprehensive approach to your skin's overall hydration and firming processes. Armed with highly-concentrated active ingredients, a dollop of this stuff is light enough to moisturize people with oily skin without overdoing it. People with normal and normal skin can readily layer serum on their skin under moisturizer for optimal effects.
When to Use an Anti-Aging Serum
Just like the rest of your skincare routine, anti-aging serum should be applied to your skin twice daily -- in the morning before you start your day and at night just before your head meets the pillow.
Good Morning, Sunshine!
Start your day fresh and renewed by first getting a good night's sleep. When you step up to the bathroom sink, it's time to help your skin slough away dead skin cells and turn on your radiant beauty for the hours ahead.
Cleanse your face with a gentle hydrating cream cleanser to remove dirt, oil, and overnight buildup. If your skin is already akin to a great morning regimen, this is also where you may choose to use a facial pore-refining massager and exfoliator, but if you're just getting started on your brand new skincare routine, you should leave these steps for the evening so you can gently introduce these products and elements to your fragile facial skin.
Apply an anti-aging serum once your skin is clean and dry. The antioxidants in anti-aging serums can catch UV radiation and neutralize the free radicals it creates, thus upping the ante for protected skin even when you find yourself out in the sun. Apply claraline with just two fingers, gently massaging it into your facial skin.
Add sunscreen because you should never start your day without proper UV protection. Sunscreen needs to be an essential ingredient in your daily routine to prevent the signs of aging.
Moisturize with a daytime moisturizer that will keep your skin hydrated as the hours tick by.
Sweet Dreams, Beautiful!
When the day is done, your face has incurred plenty of stress, pollutants, and elements that can speed up the signs of aging. Some dermatologists believe that moisture evaporates from the skin more quickly as we sleep, readily releasing from the skin when it finally relaxes after holding onto water all day. Thus, making the skin more open to absorbing hydrating ingredients applied at bedtime. While not everyone subscribes to this theory, you won't likely find a skincare professional who doesn't advocate an excellent just-before-bed facial cleansing and hydrating routine.
Thoroughly cleanse your skin beginning first with an emollient cleanser or facial cloth that's specifically designed for makeup removal. Reason being, your average cleanser is formulated to remove the everyday dirt and grime that floats around in the atmosphere. Sunscreen and makeup often have powers that resist these cleansers, thus, you'll often leave behind residues and pore-clogging chemicals if you don't first break down the properties found in these facial products.
Use a pore-refining facial massaging device and exfoliator, paired with a gentle hydrating cream cleanser to thoroughly remove remaining dirt, oil, and debris.
Apply a serum, which will work to hydrate your skin and help keep it taut and moisturized as you sleep. Collagen-building peptides do some of their best work when you're at rest, helping to ensure you realize a rested, youthful look when the morning comes.
Apply a night cream to boost the moisturizing efforts of your serum. When used in conjunction, these two hydrating powers will provide a boost of wrinkle-fighting assistance to your delicate skin as you sleep away the day's worries. Hydrating night creams tend to be thicker than daytime moisturizers, allowing for extra hydration during the nighttime hours.
If you haven't already added an anti-aging serum to your daily skincare regimen, now is the time to start! Dermaclara's claraline is formulated with peptide intensifiers, which help to reduce the signs of wrinkles, improve hyperpigmentation, and stimulate collagen. Once you see your smooth and soft skin in the mirror, you'll understand what a truly appearance-transforming product anti-aging serum really is!
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